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The Rendezvous Restaurant

Charlie Vergos, the origin of Rendezvous Restaurant, took an old coal chute from the wall of his smoky basement tavern in downtown Memphis and created barbecue history. Since he first opened the doors in 1948, Charlie Vergos' Rendezvous has attracted a long list of high-profile guests including Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush, former Vice President Al Gore, and entertainers such as Bill Cosby, Justin Timberlake and Mick Jagger.

On Saturday March 27th, 2010, we sadly lost Mr. Charlie Vergos at age 84


Today, several thousand people on an average Saturday night ( pour into our basement and sink their teeth into a slab of what makes Memphis, well, Memphis!  Presidents and potentates, and many who are anybody have all been down for a bite.

When visiting Memphis, stop by the Rendezvous and have a bite of your own!


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